ADHD and Nursing School: New Nurse Navigator's Study Hacks


Welcome to the "New Nurse Navigator" series, where we empower nursing students with essential study strategies tailored for those with ADHD!

In this video, it gives you practical tips and techniques designed to enhance focus, improve time management, and maximize your study sessions.

Whether you're juggling clinical rotations or prepping for exams, our ADHD-friendly methods will help you navigate nursing school with confidence and ease.


Effective Time Management:

Learn how to create a structured schedule that accommodates your unique learning style.

Focused Study Techniques:

Discover tools and resources that promote concentration and retention.

Organization Hacks:

Uncover simple ways to keep your notes and materials organized, minimizing distractions.

Community Support:

Connect with fellow nursing students and share experiences in our supportive community.

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Clicker HERE for the Saunders Clinical Judgment and Test-Taking Strategies 8th Edition

Click HERE for the Archer Review Course ---->  archer review

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